Editor Chancellor of Bogomolets National Medical University, Laureate of the State prize of Ukraine, Honored science and technology worker of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine No.2 Bogomolets National Medical University, Head of Kyiv City Cardiologic Center, Chairman of Kyiv Society of Physicians, Vice-President of Ukrainian Association of Cardiologists, Member of Presidium of the Society of Cardiologists and Rheumatologists of Ukraine, Member of European Association of Cardiology, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kateryna Amosova |
Chief editor Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Laureate of State prize of Ukraine in science and technology, Head of Department of surgery No.4 of Bogomolets National Medical University, Head of City Research Center of Surgery on the basis of the Oleksandriivska Central City Clinical Hospital of Kyiv, President of the Association of Cardiologists, Vascular and Cardiac surgeons in Kyiv, President of the Association of Surgeons-hepatologists of Ukraine, member of European Association of Surgeons, member of Board of European Association of Vascular Surgeons, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Mishalov |
Dear colleagues!
Our journal received recognition of the scientific medical community and is highly appreciated by Ukrainian for the quality and completeness contained in scientific articles. The journal always combines depth of scientific development of the fundamental medical problems, the severity and the urgency modern clinical problems. The journal draws on its pages well-known scientists, and is looking for promising young researchers, providing a forum for discussion of problems of broad scientific and medical circles and acquainting its readers with the novelties of the professional literature that has been published in Ukraine and abroad.
The geography of authors of the journal is one of the indicators of public acceptance (and not only Ukrainian) credibility of the publication. A large number of medical scientists, who have defended the thesis of different levels, express their sincere gratitude to the journal that publishes their articles. The core advantages include high scientific level, openness to discussion, accessibility and timeliness of publication, which is especially important for active authors. Despite the achievements, a space for the development of the journal, as well as for the authors, is huge.
XXI century puts forward new requirements to the forms and efficiency of presentation. We know that science has no borders, and the doctor has to apply achievements of the world medical science. Therefore, in a specific section of our magazine we print the most recent and evidence-based information grounded in the world of medicine. The journal is focused on the practitioners and their needs. We prefer clinical evidence base, algorithms of diagnosis, treatment and prevention and provide a great number of useful illustrations.
The urgent topic of medicine and health care is increasing the distances between the achievements of theoretical science and their introduction into medical practice, and one of the aspects of this problem is lack of awareness of physicians. That is why our highly qualified experts enlighten the latest achievements of Ukrainian and foreign specialists in the field of cardiology, cardiac surgery, angiology.
The feature of our journal is attention to the history of domestic medicine and the work of its outstanding representatives.
We are grateful to all who has cooperated with us and to all the readers for their interest in our publication. Your trust is the best award for us!
Glory To Ukraine!
Editor, Professor K. Amosova
Chief editor, Professor V. Mishalov
Authoritative Journal of Cardiologists and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Ukraine.
For the high scientific level, topicality the journal has the status of a professional scientific issue approved by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine and is included in metric systems Science Index and Google Scholar.
Well-known and authoritative specialized scientific-practical journals are published in cooperation with professional medical associations and leading scientific educational medical institutions of Ukraine:
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